Saturday, November 17, 2012

Accessory Review- Vision CE4 Clearomizer

I was very reluctant to try these at first because I've always been a carto tank fan but after seeing my instagram feed fill up with pictures of them, I thought I'd give them a try so I picked up a couple from Madvapes. Now if you didn't know, a cartomizer has a heating coil surrounded by fiber fill inside a metal cylinder, when you hit the button on your PV, it heats up the coil and vaporizes the e-liquid that is contained in the fiber fill. With a clearomizer, the liquid goes from the outer tank which is then absorbed through a wick into the atomizer and vaporizes the liquid. Now that the science lesson is over with, let's get to my take on these little devices.

I try to keep an open mind about everything before I try it, to be honest, I'm just trying to find the best kit to make my vaping experience more enjoyable, this blog is just a way to share my experiences with all of you. That being said, I was still a bit skeptical when I first tried them. I filled up my first one and took a drag, I instantly got a burnt taste, I was very disappointed. After doing further reading, I learned you should wait at least 5 minutes after filling before you should vape in order for the liquid to saturate the wick. A quick solution to the burnt taste if you've done this is emptying the clearo and cleaning it thoroughly. That kind of put me off to clearomizers for a while but I recently picked them up again on a whim. These worked out slightly better for me but there's still some issues with them that I don't have with carto tanks.

  • Leaking- A few drops out of the top or bottom is pretty common with the ones I've used. I've heard that you need to seal them within 30 seconds of filling in order to prevent this but it seems to be very sporadic.
  • Breaking- Considering you can pick these up for about $6, they're very rugged, however, if you have it in your pocket and bend over the wrong way, they will shatter on you. I've had one crack and one break off at the bottom thread skirt which was probably my fault for over tightening.
  • Burnt taste/lack of flavor- I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong but I always seem to get a tiny bit of burnt taste even after letting it sit for hours before vaping. Also, I've noticed the flavor which tasted great in a carto, seems to be slightly diluted when used in a clearo, not quite sure why on this one but I know a few other people feel the same way.
  • Resistance/voltage restriction- Others have told me I'm crazy but for some reason, on my eGo twist, I can't vape any higher than 4.0-4.2v. Personally, I love the amount of vapor that I get from a higher voltage but over 4.2v I seem to get a little burnt plastic taste. These are hard to get a good reading of resistance on too, the advertise 2.4-2.9ohm which actually makes quite the difference on a VV device.
  • Capacity- This is more of an observation than an actual flaw with them but I feel it should be noted. These are not meant to be an all day vaping accessory if you are a heavy vaper. They will hold about 1.8ml of juice which will last a lot longer than an atomizer and some cartos but wouldn't get me through a full day of vaping.
In summary, these have a lot of positive qualities, they're cheap, they fit well with an eGo and they look great. However, if you asked me clearo vs. a carto tank, I'd say go with the tank and learn how to punch and fill a carto than spend $6 every 8 fills or so.


DISCLAIMER: I bought this device for my own use and for testing purposes. All opinions are my own and are for educational purposes.

Follow me on twitter and instagram: @photoagogo

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